Department of Optical Techniques

Department of Optical Techniques




The Department of Optical Technologies occupies a unique scientific position in the academic scientific community locally and in the Arab world. It plays an effective and influential applied role in the technical and medical field, thus meeting the needs of society and the requirements of the labor market.

The Department of Optical Technologies has a solid scientific staff and absorptive energies that enable it to achieve the visions it seeks.




1. Providing qualified and qualified technical staff in the exact specializations in the field of optometry to meet the needs of the country in accordance with the requirements of medical and economic development and to secure teaching staff in universities and institutes.

2. Continuous updating of curricula and study plans for all stages to keep pace with the latest developments in the field of vision development examination.

3. Seeking to keep pace with the rapid developments in the field of information technology.

4. Focusing on scientific research and its primary role in community service by conducting applied research through practical research projects for students.

5. Seeking to open up to relevant public sector institutions to prepare various training courses to develop the capabilities of our medical staff.

6. Relentless pursuit of performance improvement to achieve comprehensive quality assurance.


7. Encouraging scientific cooperation with corresponding Arab and international universities and institutions, and striving to exchange experiences to ensure the development of the department and the advancement of the educational process.